@InProceedings{BC:08:TACAS, author = "Amir M. Ben-Amram and Michael Codish", year = "2008", title = "A SAT-Based Approach to Size Change Termination with Global Ranking Functions", booktitle = "14th Intl. Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)", editor = "C.R. Ramakrishnan and Jakob Rehof", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", volume = "5028", pages = "46--55", summary = "We present a class of ranking functions which is strong enough for supplying termination witnesses for a significant subset of SCT instances. The subset of SCT instances covered is an NP-complete set. We have implemented an algorithm that recognizes these instances, using a SAT solver, and demonstrated its effectivity using a benchmark suite of over 4000 test cases.", isbn = "978-3-540-78799-0", puf = "Artikel i proceedings (med censur)", }