@Article{Ben-AmramGalil:95, title = "On the Power of the Shift Instruction", author = "Amir M. Ben-Amram and Zvi Galil", pages = "19--36", journal = "Information and Computation", month = "15~" # feb, year = "1995", volume = "117", number = "1", abstract = "This paper examines the power of the shift primitive when included in a high level model operating on unbounded integers. It is shown that in such a model a constant number of registers suffices for simulating an unbounded memory RAM of the same instruction set. The simulation is on-line, and its cost can be bounded by $O(t\alpha(s))$, for a RAM program of running time~$t$ and space~$s$. By multitask programming (postponing lengthy updates) it can be made close to real-time ($O(\alpha(s))$ per operation).", }