@InProceedings{ABA:98:ICALP, author = "Amir M. Ben-Amram and Holger Petersen", year = "1998", title = "Cons-free Programs with Tree Input", booktitle = "Proceedings, 25th Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP)", editor = "Kim G. Larsen and Sven Skyum and Glynn Winskel", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", volume = "1443", pages = "271--282", keywords = "computability in subrecursive langauges, complexity classes, multi-head automata", summary = "We investigate the expressive power of programs operating on an input which is a LISP-style tree without the possibility to modify or create cons cells. They can thus apply car or cdr but not cons. We obtain a hierarchy of classes of sets that can be recognized by deterministic, non-deterministic and recursive programs respectively, with and without the additionl operation of testing pointer equality. Several results on the relationship of the classes defined by these languages to Turing-machine based complexity classes are obtained.", puf = "Artikel i proceedings (med censur)", }