@InProceedings{BA:2010:DICE, author = "Amir M. Ben-Amram", year = "2010", title = "On Decidable Growth-Rate Properties of Imperative Programs", booktitle = "International Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational complExity (DICE 2010)", editor = "Patrick Baillot", series = "EPTCS", volume = 23, pages = "1--14", publisher = "ArXiv.org", url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.0518v1", keywords = "abstract interpretation, complexity classes, program analysis, execution-time analysis", summary = "A very natural question about a program is what the growth-rate of its time complexity is, e.g., is it polynomial. Improving on some previous work with Jones and Kristiansen, this work is the first to completely solve the problem for a core language that, besides the features handled in the previous work (non-deterministic branching, bounded loops and restricted arithmetics over integers), allows for resetting a variable to zero.", puf = "Artikel i proceedings (med censur)", }